Posted by Declan McGrath on 01 November 2014.
As we’re past Halloween and now rolling into the final stretch of the year, it’s a good time to look back on a few highlights in 2014. So far we’ve had 8 meetups, a total registered attendance of 505 members across meetups and 7 sponsors. Now admittedly, not every single registered attendee turned up to each actual meetup. But judging by the amount of pizza wolfed down plenty of them did! So here we take a look at one of the companies who have made the pizza happen - sponsoring the meetup time and time again – thank you Qstream.
Given the concentration of tech companies near Barrow Street you’d be forgiven for forgetting that another world exists out there. But if you’re a bit of a foodie you’d likely be drooling at the mouth if your boss told you that you’re about to be relocated to Ranelagh. Fortunately for Qstream, that’s where they are already. With more restaurants to check out than a front end dev has Javascript frameworks to choose from, avoiding the “Ranelagh Stone” is probably the only concern. So how do they earn their (delicious Italian) bread? Qstream is a platform to manage and measure the strength of a company’s sales team. To do this sales reps are engaged in entertaining, scenario-based challenges, which are related to their sales efforts. These challenges are sent to their mobile device regularly. Based on their responses, the sales reps get feedback on inaccurate answers and also appear on a leaderboard with their peers.
Though you’re probably more interested in what their engineers think. They’re raving about what’s perking their interest at the moment - mining giant sets of data, gamifying enterprise apps, building the smarts into the Qstream coaching engine and moving towards microservices. They’re a Rails based shop and have their hands in the familiar such as MySQL and Unicorn, as well specific tools for specific jobs – calling upon Postgres, Redis and Node. And they are looking for fresh blood to join their team.
Speaking of fresh blood, hope ye all had a good Halloween. Now go and change your desktop background back to something more sensible and get back to your hackin’. Until the next free pizza…