Posted by Declan McGrath on 31 October 2012.
It’s pretty incredible how many great dev meetups there are going on in Dublin these days, leading to a really nice buzz in the tech community. One of the things that’s lacking at a lot of these meetups is apparent – girls! And it’s something that needs to change. So I was really excited when Rails dev Emily Castles got in touch recently talking about organising a Rails Girls event, which is an awesome idea!
So what is Rails Girls? It’s a workshop-oriented event which aims to provide tools for women to explore technology and to build their ideas – primarily by teaching attendees how to build a basic Rails application over the course of a weekend. The workshop is targeted at girls with little or no experience in coding and topics covered include prototyping, learning sketching, basic programming and a general introduction to the world of technology. It started in Finland but has now gone global, so let’s make sure it gets to stop off in Ireland!
More details are at including a snappy 1 minute overview vid, but first what is needed? Top priority is getting 4 of you reading this to come on board as coaches for the event. What??? Look, you don’t need to have a super-advanced level of Rails knowledge – the curriculum for the day is a very straightforward app so even if you’ve been away from Ruby/Rails for a while it will be fine. You don’t need to be a girl to be a coach – but it’s great if you are! If you are interested drop a line to emily.castles AT and let’s make Rails Girls happen! There is also a twitter account setup @railsgirls_dub if you want to follow along and see what’s going on.
Ciao, Declan